Friday, July 11, 2014

Panna Cotta

So I was watching Masterchef the other day and one of the competetions was to make Panna Cotta. I had never heard of this before but it seemed fairly easy to make so I found a great recipe and went to town. It took a little bit to get used to the texture of it because it is like pudding with a jello consistency. But it has a great taste and blackberries on top are definitely
a must have.  The recipe I used was on by Giada. I typed up the recipe below.

1 Cup of Whole Milk
1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatin Powder
3 Cups of Heavy Whipping Cream
1 Tablespoon Sugar
1/3 Cup of Honey
Pinch of Salt
Place the milk in a pan on the stove (leave off for now) and sprinkle with the gelatin powder. Let this stand for 4 minutes. Then turn on the stove and cook until the gelatin dissolves. Make sure not to boil the milk. Add the other ingredidents. Simmer on the stove for 6 minutes until the sugar dissolves. Make sure not to boil. Place in bowls and put in the fridge to get firm (about 6 hours or overnight). When ready to serve, top with fresh berries or jam.

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