Sunday, July 13, 2014

DIY Picture Frame

            So I have a couple of friends from church having birthdays this next week so I was trying to think of a birthday present that was thoughtful but not too expensive. I decided on decorating a picture frame (modge podge and bling) and then taking a picture of the group at dinner to put in it. I thought this would be a special gift for the gals to remember their birthdays by.
First I started with some basic picture frames that I found at Hobby Lobby (picture frames are always half off!). Then I found some great paper that had a detail that matched the color of the frames. I also picked up some Modge Podge and  some bling to add on the picture frame.
When I got home I started by tracing the outline of the picture frames. To do this tape a piece of computer paper on the frame and use a crayon to trace the edges of the frame. Then I cut out this for a template so I didn't mess up the paper I was going to put on the frames. After I got this cut out I taped it on the back of the paper and traced it and then cut it out.
Next I used Modge Podge to glue the paper on the frame to decorate it. Put a pretty thick layer on the bottom for the paper to stick to and then after it is stuck go over the top to make it shiny and pretty. You will have to do this several types letting it dry in between times.
Last, it is time to add the bling. On the frames that I did I hot glued rhinestones and flowers. I used the rhinestones to add initials of the gals and the age that they are turning.

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