Monday, June 16, 2014

Chocolate Pudding with Swiss Rolls

Chocolate Pudding with Swiss Rolls
Ingredients: box of chocolate pudding mix (and all it calls for), whipped topping, and swiss rolls.
First you mix the chocolate pudding mix according to the box and refrigerate it for a little bit. While this is in the fridge it is the perfect time to cut the swiss rolls. It depends on your taste for how many swiss rolls you want to add to the mix. I generally add a half a box of swiss rolls with one box of pudding. The swiss rolls need to be cut fairly small. Then when you are almost ready to serve the pudding you add in the whipped topping. Slowly fold in the whipped topping into the pudding until it turns a lighter brown. You can add as much or as little according to your taste. I prefer to add a lot of whipped topping it makes the pudding taste like chocolate mousse. Then after it is all mixed together it is time to layer the pudding. To layer the pudding you start with swiss rolls. Put as many or as few as you would like in the bottom of the bowl. Then layer in the pudding mixture and then continue this until you use all of the mixtures. You should end with pudding on the top. For garnish you can add the crumbs from cutting the swiss rolls and or canned whipped cream. 
Enjoy! :)

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